Monday, March 28, 2011

Thompson's Station Post Office Changes

Go to www.37179 and learn more about the P.0. Then send an e-mail to Marsha Blackburn via Steve


Well, I am not doing so good with this right now, but be patient. Have had some issues this past week that demanded my attention more.

The biggest thing right now is the fact that we, apparently as of 4/9 are loosing most of the staff and carriers at our Thompson's Station Post Office. Apparently the business is downsizing and since our office is leased, it is one to go.

Get in touch with anyone you know who might help us to keep it as it is now.

Friday, March 18, 2011

First LAF Organizational Meetin

We all were really pleased at the attendance we had on the 15th. I believe everyone saw a little of the vision we have for LAF. So many people worked hard to put it together and I have some great pictures of the crowd as soon as I learn how to put them on this page.  Stay tuned, we will have more to come in the weeks ahead.

Saturday, March 12, 2011


Today we meet to finalize next Tuesday night. Making sure everything is in place, including that good food. Also making sure we are all on the same page. Hoping to see you March 15th at 6 pm at Thompson's Station Baptist Church.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Relay for Life

 On March 26th the Thompson's Station United Methodist Relay for Life Team is sponsoring a pancake breakfast at Applebee's at 3937 Columbia Pike in Spring Hill. Time is 7:30am until 9:30am . Of the $6.00 ticket, $5.00 will go to the American Cancer Society. WOW what a percentage. Thank you team and also thank Applebee's.

New Name

Did you see the request for helping to name the "new" grill in downtown Thompson's Station? It is located across from City Hall. Will hopefully be opening sometime in April. I believe it will be a welcomed business. Send a name suggestion to City Hall and you just might win a dinner for 2!!!!


March 15th is next Tuesday. Don't forget the time change this weekend and hopefully along with it some warm weather.

Looking forward to meeting so many of you that I have shared with on the telephone and e-mail. We will begin promptly at 6 pm.

The Board and advisors will be meeting this Saturday for last minute details for Tuesday evening. We had a good meeting this week and we have several door prizes that will be given away.  See ya.