Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Life After Fifty (LAF) Event

A Planned program for Life After Fifty in Thompson's Station

Riverbend Nurseries located at 2850 Thompson's Station Road E. will host an hour long class on "Summer Color--what's new in summer color and our classic favorites. Speakers will be Amanda McCain and Carolyn George. This is a LAF sponsored class and will begin promptly at 9 am and end at 10 am on June 11th. A great time for seniors to get their hands into the dirt or learn more about the outdoors and gardening from those who have been trained in this area. Plus it is a good exercise activity for each of us. So mark your calendar, call me at 615-791-5835 to reserve a place or e-mail me, katietwo43@bellsouth.net. We have enough space for 25 of you so call ASAP and get your name on the list. This will be a very worthwhile hour for all of us.

Plans are for in depth vegetable gardening in July. So you will want to be tuned to your e-mail/newspaper for more information on this class. Get ready for a good learning experience. If you need directions to Riverbend, you can call them at 790-7900 or cell: 615-394-2980.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Walking Club

Hey, does anyone in the TS area have an interest in forming a "Morning Walking Club"? Let us hear from you.


If you have tried to comment on my blog, sorry something is wrong if I am suppose to be able to read the comments. I am trying to contact my tech and see what the problem might be. If you have had problems please send me an e-mail at katietwo43@bellsouth.net and let me know about your experience.  Thanks so much.

TS Farmer's Market 5/18/11

I just came by the market and things seemed a little busy there. Didn't have time to stop, but they will be there until 7 pm tonight and every Wednesday from 2 pm until 7 pm until fall.  Check it out.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Farmer's Market

I understand that Thompson's Station will,this Wednesday have their own Farmer's Market. Location is next door to the BP Station on Highway 31. Believe they will be open from 2 pm until 7 pm each Wednesday. I will give more info when I have it.

Victorian Garden

If you didn't make it to the garden on May 14th, you really missed a treat. No one could imagine the beauty of the place. You have to experience it. Thanks to Martha and Deborah Irwin and family and the Thompson's Station United Methodist Church group  for working so hard and not letting the rain drops defeat them.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Victorian Garden Party May 14th

Don't forget the Victorian Garden Party hosted by Martha and Deborah Irwin. Date is May 14th with a rain date of May 21st from 10 am until 3 pm.  This is also a fund raiser for The American Cancer Society Relay for Life.  Address of event is 1715 and 1718 Old Thompson's Station Road. For more information call 615-794-8113.

Help the Scouts as they help Thompson's Station Park

Hello out there!

Please be ready to take your car to the McDonalds locatin in front of the old Kroger store, now The People's Church. We have scouts working on  Eagle Scout project for Troop 48. They will host a car wash from 9am until 2 pm on Saturday, May 14th. This event will help raise money to build trailhead  kiosks for the new trail extension between Thompson's Station and Heritage Campus. There may be some rain in the sky but if you can catch a time to get that dirty car or truck washed you would be helping others help others. Let's support them!